Happy Hours ThaiSun
Happy Hours ThaiSun
For almost 10 years of the existence of the ThaiSun brand, we are enjoying great interest from our customers and our schedule is very often filled to the brim. We also noticed that the most booked massages are usually held in the evening. Therefore, we would like to encourage you to visit our salons, for example during a break at work.
Massage at work is a great idea to relax and unwind, thanks to it we return to our duties with the boost of fresh, positive energy. If you need additional reasons to afford this pleasure during working hours, we have a strong argument for you.
Between 12-16 from Monday to Friday, all massages in our salons are cheaper by 20%!
You do not have to meet any special requirements - the promotion is addressed to all visitors to our salons in the above-mentioned time frame.
If you are a member of our loyalty program, remember that during the term of the promotion you can choose another entry to the loyalty card or a one-time discount of 20% - the affiliate program does not combine with the happy-hours discount.
Take advantage of the Happy Hours and save 20% on massage